Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Personal Injury Law Firms: What Type of Cases Do They Take ...

Personal injury law firms offer legal representation to individuals who have been injured either physically or psychologically as a result of another person?s, a company?s, a government agency?s or any other entity?s wrongdoing or carelessness. One thing that a client should understand however is that personal injury lawyers will only work on valid cases. Examples of valid cases include dog bites, slip and falls, wrongful dismissal, medical malpractice and automobile accidents. There are of course other cases that falls under personal injury law.

To learn more about what cases personal injury law firms work on, one should read about tort law. Tort law or personal injury law deals with civil wrongs such as monetary damages or non-economic wrongs to an individual?s rights or reputation. Would-be clients should have an idea or an overview of what tort law is. Most of the time, cases discussed online deals with negligent tort but there are also other types of injuries that one should take into consideration. This includes intentional tort, strict liability tort, and products liability. Other types of cases covered by personal injury law firms include wrongful death, defamation of character, slip and fall and auto accidents.

Lawyers from personal injury law firms are also licensed to represent people on cases that have nothing to do with tort law however, they choose to take only cases that fall under personal injury.

There are many types of personal injury lawyers and most personal injury law firms have a number of lawyers that work on certain types of cases.

Besides their Juris Doctorate, lawyers come from different fields. One who used to be a medical doctor for example can concentrate on medical malpractice. A lawyer however can still represent an individual for any kind of injury provided that this particular individual has given his or her consent to the representation.

The usual cases that personal injury law firms take include road traffic accidents, work-related accidents, product liability, accidents inside the home, assault claims, holiday accidents, and medical negligence. The latter is the most complicated of all because it can cover anything from dental negligence to asbestosis. More often than not, medical negligence does not only involve medical malpractice but is also classified under cases lawyers file under industrial diseases. Examples of these cases include asbestosis, chest diseases such as emphysema, silicosis, chronic bronchitis, pneumuconiosis, asthma, chronic obstructive airways disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Other cases handled involve mesothelioma, repetitive strain, occupation deafness, stress and other health related issues caused by or occurred at the workplace.

If you believe you have a personal injury case against an entity, find the best personal injury law firm in your place. If the personal injury lawyer you hired believes that he can prove the entity?s negligence, you may receive compensation by the entity who wronged you.

If you?re looking to hire a personal injury attorney, get free reports from renowned author, Khase Janison, first.


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