Friday, July 8, 2011

Personal Trainers: Not Just for Hollywood Anymore | Health and Fitness

Personal Trainers:Not Just for Hollywood Anymore

Obesity has been declared a national epidemic and cardiovascular disease is maintaining its spot as America?s number one killer,so the case for living a healthy lifestyle has already been built. Why then do so many of us shy away from turning to a professional for help with our workout regime? In many cases,the answer is quite simple. We assume that personalized fitness programs are an expensive treat reserved only for the rich and svelte Hollywood crew. And while this may have been true in the past,personal trainers are now helping ordinary women make celebrity-sized life changes.

Certified Personal Trainers (CPTs) are an affordable option for those without the benefit of an expensive entourage of top-notch health gurus,personal chefs,and daring designers. Convinced that the secrets to becoming a ?red-carpet diva?should be available to the masses even when dirty laundry,crying babies,and tight budgets run rampant,many of today?s hottest CPTs can help you reach your fitness goals by developing and implementing realistic and actionable fitness plans.

You?ve all heard of CPTs,but do you really know exactly what they do? While styles and programs vary widely,you can typically expect the following:

Comprised of various tests designed to assess cardiovascular fitness,body-fat percentage,flexibility and muscular strength and endurance.

A personalized exercise program based on your individual assessment results and personal fitness and health goals.

Personal attention during exercise is the primary function of personal trainers. During these workouts,you will be educated about the fundamentals of strength and aerobic training,as well as the proper and safe use of various types of equipment.

You?ve made the decision to hire a personal trainer,but now what? Working with a trainer is a very personal experience,and much like a hair stylist or gynecologist,what works for your friend or co-worker might not work for you. Your CPT is charged with motivating you to reach new heights and will often see you during your most vulnerable times ? grunting,sweating and possibly looking a ?hot mess.?Given this,make sure your trainer is someone that you respect,trust and feel that you can get along well with.

Personal training is not a regulated profession,so it?s up to you to gain assurance that you?re working with a trainer who has the knowledge to provide you with a safe and effective workout. Do your homework,and stick with one who has been certified by a reputable organization (Choose ?Find an Ace Professional?on or the ?Personal Trainer Locator?on for starters). Be sure to ask for references,and verify that the trainer has liability insurance and provides business policies in writing.

Rates vary,depending on the trainer?s experience and the length and location of the workout session. Most personal trainers typically charge to per hour for their services,and many provide a discount if you pre-purchase a package of sessions. If this price is a bit steep for your budget,consider sharing a trainer with 1 or 2 of your girls because this will drop the per-person rate substantially.

While you may not be up for an Academy Award any time soon,you could easily be taking home a lot more than a little gold statue. By working with a Certified Personal Trainer,you can get a whole new lease on a fabulous life.

Amber O?Neal is a fitness &nutrition expert and owner of Cafe Physique. Her business specializes in nutrition &wellness coaching,personal training,and yoga/pilates training. Cafe Physique is headquartered in Atlanta and offers coaching services nationally via phone and email. Visit for more information.


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